Rapid Fire Reviews – Uncanny Inhumans 4
UNCANNY INHUMANS #4 – MARVEL COMICS – (W) Charles Soule (A) Steve McNiven Soule hits the time travel HARD in this issue, jumping about a bit between...
UNCANNY INHUMANS #4 – MARVEL COMICS – (W) Charles Soule (A) Steve McNiven Soule hits the time travel HARD in this issue, jumping about a bit between...
DARTH VADER #8 – MARVEL COMICS – (W) Kieron Gillen (A) Salvador Larroca In a direct continuation from last issue, Aphra and the collected bounty hun...
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS #2 – MARVEL COMICS – (W) Dan Slott (A) Adam Kubert A couple of years have passed since the events of issue 1, Re...
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #2 – DC COMICS – (W)&(A) Bryan Hitch Rao, Kryptonian sun God has arrived, enchanting everyone including Superman himse...
JUSTICE LEAGUE of AMERICA – DC COMICS – (W)&(A) Bryan Hitch As part of my effort to take a greater interest in DC, I grabbed this, the newest it...
DAREDEVIL #16 – MARVEL COMICS – (W) Mark Waid (A) Chris Samnee TheĀ end is fast approaching for Daredevil, and for Waid and Samnee as their acclaimed...
WE ARE ROBIN #1 – DC COMICS – (W) Lee Bermejo (A) Jorge Corona After picking up (and consequently dropping) Superman, Green Lantern and Detective Co...