Rapid Fire Reviews – Darth Vader # 14

DARTH VADER #14 – MARVEL COMICS – (W) Kieron Gillen (A) Salvador Larroca


Reading other people’s opinions on this event helped me understand where it was lacking, a thought that I’d had but haven’t been able to put my finger directly on. Essentially, the nature of the timeline that the creators are working with severely limits what they’re able to do with key characters. Luke can’t die, Han can’t die, Leia can’t get all messed up in the face, so the tense moments they try and end on kinda lose some of the impact. Still, it’s very fun, still well written with exciting and authentic dialogue, and I’m hanging out for the rest. A testament to the quality of the contributors they have on the assorted titles. Leia faces off against Vader in this issue, prepared to pay the ultimate price for Alderaan’s vengeance. Also, as an Admiral Ackbar fan, I was pleased with the reappearance of a newly introduced character in the closing pages, giving our key characters someone to play with over the final issues.